Monday, October 26, 2009

at least it wasn't robo-gonorrhea

Actual sentence from self-published space opera/erotica, apparently not meant as parody:

" I should probably tell you I have space herpes."


  1. Gonorrhea is curable though (right?), unless the robotic strain is different.

    Everything sounds funnier or cooler when you put "space" in front of it...


  2. I was thinking of an episode of Futurama where there's a parody educational film about human/robot relations. They mention robo-gonorrhea (or, actually, I think it was electro-gonorrhea). It's referred to as "the noisy killer," so I'm guessing it must be pretty bad.

    And that is my pop culture reference for today.

    Yeah, I like it when people stick the word "space" in front of common nouns to make them sound more science fictional. I think it's the way it just completely discards any pretense that there's more depth to the choice of setting than, "the only thing that could make this cooler/funnier/scarier/more dramatic is if we put it IN OUTER SPACE! Because space is neat!"
